General Statement:
The Health and Wellness (H&W) program focuses on helping the Guard family maintain a healthy physical presence.  The H&W Coaches provide unit, group, and individual fitness programs, nutrition education, and weight loss resources. They also develop & implement enduring, integrated & regionally-accessible health & wellness programs to decrease high risk behaviors & promote healthy lifestyle choices.

Mission Statement:
Posture and promote regionally accessible, enduring Health and Wellness Programs that provide healthy lifestyle choices, opportunities for routine physical activities, methods to identify and reduce high risk behaviors, and techniques to increase the number of Ready, Resilient and Responsible Service Members, Retirees and Families.

Vision Statement:
To integrate a Health and Wellness Program that creates accessibility, encourages participation, and provides a platform to improve the overall Health and Wellness of Service Members, Retirees, and their families helping them reach their potential.


Darryl Hammond
Office: 803 299-4128
Cell: 803-552-6052

Instagram Health and Wellness Page


Facebook Health and Wellness Page