W. J. Truss to Adjutant General, State of South Carolina, and attached Completion Report, December 15, 1953, Folder 633, General, Box 1721, Army-NGB Decimal File, 1954, RG 319, NARA II.
“Committee Votes Armory Projects,” Greensboro Record, June 4, 1958; D. W. McGowan to Robert T. Ashmore, August 14, 1958, Folder 633, South Carolina, Box 3571, Army-NGB Decimal File, 1958, RG 168, NARA II. The latter document indicates a cost of $97,000. See also George N. Kibler to Adjutant General, South Carolina, July 9, 1958, Folder 633, South Carolina, Box 3571, Army-NGB Decimal File, 1958, RG 168, NARA II. The armory was completed sometime between July 1, 1959, and June 30, 1960, as indicated in the Adjutant General’s Report for that year. See Frank D. Pinckney, “Adjutant General’s Report,” July 1, 1960, in Report of the Adjutant General of the State of South Carolina (Columbia, SC (?): State Budget and Control Board, 1960), 14.
Rhodes, 175, and Singley to Russell, 1954. Kitchens, et al (30), incorrectly reports that the MVSB at Conway was built in 1950, but this conflicts with Singley’s own account of his design of this facility and the surviving documentation from the National Guard regarding its construction.
Kitchens, et al (30), again incorrectly cites the date of construction for the one-unit armory as 1970, a date which is utterly inexplicable (given the numerous newspaper accounts from the late 1960s of various events taking place at the armory) and may in fact be a typographical error, given the similarity in design between Conway’s one-unit armory and many of the others from the 1956-1960 era.
Rhodes, 175.
Rhodes, 176.
“S. C. County Withdrawing Guard Funds,” Augusta Chronicle, October 3, 1957. Nothing more appears to have come of the measure, as it did not surface in news reports thereafter. Given that federal and state funds made up the bulk of armory and Guard operations, the move may have been more symbolic than anything else.
Kitchens, et al, 30.