The rendering of Military Funeral Honors is a way to show the nation’s deep gratitude to those who, in times of war and peace, have faithfully defended our country. This ceremonial paying of respect is the final demonstration a grateful Nation can provide to the veteran’s family.

Military Funeral Honors Request Form

Survivor Outreach Services (SOS)

Our Purpose:

Our purpose is to deliver on the Army’s commitment to Families of the Fallen. Survivor Outreach Services (SOS) connects you with the people who can help you cope with your loss.

Who we are:

Support Coordinators function as the long term support personnel for Survivors. Support Coordinators facilitate groups, provide life skills education, and connect Survivors with counseling resources.  These Coordinators work closely with Benefits Coordinators, Casualty Assistance Officers, and Army Long Term Family Case Management to ensure Survivors receive their necessary services.

Our Mission:

  • Expand and improve services to Survivors

  • Define roles and responsibilities for all agencies and all components

  • Improve responsiveness and streamline the assistance process for Families

  • Provide access to Benefits Coordinators, Financial Counselors and Support Coordinators locally

  • Long Term Family Case Management

  • SOS is dedicated to providing Support to Surviving Families for as long as they desire!

Survivor Outreach Services on Facebook

Visit the South Carolina- Survivor Outreach Services (SOS) Facebook page for more information.

Casualty Assistance

Mission Statement

Establish procedures and responsibilities for casualty management operations within the South Carolina Army and Air National Guard area of responsibility, clarifying existing regulations, and provides local procedures where necessary. Procedures outlined will be followed under the guidance of SMFC, State Casualty Office (SCO).


Provide casualty management support to South Carolina National Guard Active Duty deaths, M-Day (non duty Status) and retired National Guard military personnel and their family members, who are working and living within the state of South Carolina.


Understanding each Soldier, each casualty, and each family is unique, and various factors contribute to the uniqueness of each case. It is important to understand and accept no casualty mission will be the same as the one before it or any to follow. The SCNG SMFC has developed a set of battle drills and checklists providing the involved casualty mission personnel a framework and basis from which to launch missions. It is known and an accepted fact; casualty missions carry an emotional factor on the organization and on the individuals. The casualty mission is unlike any other military mission and the toll on all personnel involved executing the mission must be considered at all phases of the process.
