
Family Program Manager
Daniel D. Contreras
Office: (803) 299-4205
Family Program Assistant                                                                           Budget Analyst
     SGT. Dalicia Blanding                                                                                    Justus T. McQueen
                     Office: (803) 299- 1750                                                                                 Office: (803)-299-4030          
                                     Email:                                                          Email: 

Soldier and Family Readiness Center

Soldier Family Readiness Specialists will be activated as multi-disciplinary humanitarian response to all Military and Family related readiness events. This includes Hurricane/Disaster Preparation, State Active Duty Orders, and Federal Active Duty Orders, Civil Disturbance orders, Medical Support orders or Mobilization/Deployments. An SFRS offers to those affected by these events a resource to receive reliable and accurate information as well as referrals to obtain crisis/grief support, and benefits information.

Soldier and Family Readiness Specialists

Soldier and Family Readiness Specialists Centers (SFRS) will be activated as a multi-disciplinary humanitarian response to major events such as natural or man-made disasters, or in preparation for a large deployment. An SFRS offers a place where those affected by an event or mobilization/deployment can receive reliable and accurate information, referrals to obtain crisis or grief support, and benefits information.

SFRS are modular and scalable, incorporating disciplinary cells deemed necessary for support. Soldier and Family Readiness (SFRS) advise and counsel on all matters relating to Family Programs. SFRS are located in One Stop Shops inside the SCARNG Armories throughout the state and manned by contractors and state employees, available to assist families and Service Members in all areas. The SFRS team is available to assist any branch of service.